Thursday, April 2, 2009

Recent Graduates!

Well, I am way behind on my postings for this remarkable ministry, so it's high time to get caught up. Here I'll talk about the guys who have (fairly) recently completed the 9-month recovery program and are now out and about in society again!
The main factor we have noticed in the ability of these guys to maintain a successful recovery is getting involved with a local church. Besides that, it's very important for them to find a job, continue schooling, and find a place to live that is not where they lived before, in areas of drug trafficking and hoodlum activity. We try to help these guys to make wise decisions in all these areas, and ultimately it is up to them to follow the path of recovery they've started on.

Marcio is the man in the photo on the left, while Ezequiel is the man on the right, on the far right side. Both of these guys finished their treatment on Christmas Day! From what I have heard, Marcio has unfortunately not been able to sustain his recovery, but I just saw Ezequiel on Sunday and he is doing great!

Josimar, picture above, is quite a character. He finished the program back in September. He will be the first to tell you about his colorful background: arrests for assault and robbery, prison time, high on drugs...but no more. He would make a great actor, he really knows how to get inside a personality and portray the ups and downs of a person, probably because he has lived so on the edge. Josimar is one of the guys that is sharing a special apartment with other graduates, which I will tell you about in a coming post.

This is Leandro. He actually finished his 9 months back in October, but decided to stay on until February to reinforce his recovery. He has moved to Cachoeirinha, a suburb of Porto Alegre, and is working in an industrial cleaning service. From what I understand, he is also reunited with his wife and daughter. Leandro is a very quiet and discreet man, one who doesn't make waves but wants his example to do the talking. Keep up the good work Leandro!

There are four victorious ones in this photo ! From left to right - Jeferson, Wilson, Dagoberto and Renato. Jeferson is only two weeks away from completing his 9 months, and is serving as one of the program monitors. Wilson and Renato finished their time in January, and Dagoberto finished his in February. I have seen Renato a couple of times; he is working at a automotive sound system shop, which is good, but he seems to have latched onto a girl he just met, which may not be so good (more on that later). Wilson is living with his father, and I do not have any news from him. Dagoberto went to live with his aunt and is doing OK, but could be doing better.The guy in the middle here is Diego Souza, flanked by Paulo Renato on his left and Isaias on his right. Diego just finished the program at the beginning of last month. He is now living with his mom and working in a plastics factory near his home. We are in constant contact with him and he seems to be doing well!

Last of all, I will mention Jorge, the guy on the left here. Jorge has completed one year of the program and for now has no intention of leaving. Jorge has some mental deficiencies that require special attention, and we are not sure yet how his exit will take place, if his family has conditions to take care of him. He is another guy, like Leandro, who is quiet but works his tail off and lets his example do the talking. He's also a very skilled guitar player!