Friday, March 28, 2008

Hip Hop for Jesus

These guys are three of the most righteous dudes you'll ever meet! They are called G.A.P. (in English, Support Group for the Margins). The guy on the right with the cool "doo," David, overcame his drug addiction two years ago through his experience at the chacara. The other two guys, Elder and Jeff, also had serious drug problems, and overcame their addictions at other youth recovery centers. You wouldn't believe their stories if I told them to you: they have literally been to hell and back, with all that they have survived in terms of violence and drug abuse. Yet God has given them the victory! Recently they joined forces to form a hip-hop music group, G.A.P. Their message is simple: Jesus can give you victory over drugs! Last month they entered a statewide competition and, among 50 groups, won first place for best original song "Klick, Klack, Krack." They were the only gospel group among these 50, so it was a pretty amazing feat that they won and gave a powerful testimony for Christ!
Last week, the local public TV station came to the chacara to interview the G.A.P. guys and talk about the chacara's work in helping youth overcoming drug problems. They interviewed Isaias and the group members, and the show was aired the following Sunday! The show has already attracted dozens of phone calls from around the metropolitan area, from families interested in getting help for their relatives. Hopefully with this increased exposure, more people will want to get involved in our work and also get involved with other recovery centers who are trying to assist youth in conquering these vile drug demons. Victory is possible in Jesus!
G.A.P. is now trying to record a CD. They have 75% of the funds they need but are lacking about U$1,400 to finish this project. I would encourage all of you to pray about this and if you sense God leading you to assist them with a financial contribution, feel free to contact me. We need to value young people like these three men whom God is using to evangelize in incredibly difficult places - their message is extremely important! To God be the glory!

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